The greatest wealth is health!

What is Exercise Physiology?

Exercise Physiology is a branch of treatment focusing on active rehabilitation and performance enhancement. Exercise Physiologists are university qualified professionals who are accredited by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). These practitioners utilise their unique understanding of exercise to treat a range of individuals, including those suffering with chronic conditions, sport injuries, long-term pain, or simply those looking to improve their performance whether they be professional athletes or weekend warriors.

When should I see an EP?

An EP can help with chronic conditions and injuries as well as athletic and performance goals. We take an active approach to rehabilitation and look at movement quality to determine the best path for you. If you are unsure about whether you should see an EP, please ring one of our branches to speak with a practitioner.

What should I expect from my first EP treatment?

The initial assessment will involve a subjective examination where you will be asked a number of questions relating to your chronic injury or condition. The clinician will then complete a physical examination to determine what your required rehabilitation will be. For those attending EP for performance enhancement, the EP will complete initial screening and provide a strength and conditioning program tailored to your performance goals.

What will my treatment consist of?

Treatment will use a number of active strategies to manage symptoms, improve movement and increase strength. You will be provided with advice and education on how to manage your condition with the guidance of your exercise physiologist.

Do I need a referral for exercise physiology?

A referral is not required to see an EP privately. If you are under workers compensation, Compulsory Third Party or Veteran’s Affair, a referral will be required from your GP.

How long is an EP session?

An initial consultation usually lasts 45 minutes. Most follow up consultations are 30 minutes, however 1 hour slots are available to those who require.

What should I bring with me to EP treatment?

Please wear comfortable clothing and closed in shoes. Bring your health fund card, referral and relevant scans if you have any.

Am I able to claim my treatment through my private health fund?

Yes, on the spot rebates are available with the appropriate cover, just check your individual private health insurance. The amount covered will vary depending on your level of cover.